Colima for the New Year

Published on 2 January 2023 at 17:45

I took the D-road down from Chapala because I was anxious to get back to the coast. But with the New Year’s weekend coming up all lodging was booked in the resorts. So I decided to stay a few nights in Colima. It’s a fair size city (has a Walmart) and probably the cleanest city I’ve seen thus far.

The city was founded in 1523 so needless to say there is a lot of old architecture. Also a prominent active volcano outside of the city.


This guy comes to the square every day and sets up his table to make his artwork. He was funny, he spoke quite good English and told me this is what keeps him sane in his retirement years.

The volcano outside of town and I think sugar cane. I’ve seen a lot of fields of this and also saw the cane for sale in street markets.